3,580 research outputs found

    Time-frequency and time-scale characterisation of the beat-by-beat high-resolution electrocardiogram

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    Proceedings of the Sixth Portuguese Conference on Bioemedical Engineering faro, PortugalTime-Frequency and Time-Scale distributions of sequential ST segments the High-Resolution Electrocardiogram, are represented using both the Morlet Wavelet based scalogram and the Zhao-Atlas-Marks representation. Resolution and representation readability, concerning the Ventricular Late Potentials are compared. The beat-tobeat variation of one VLP case is examined

    Estilo de vida e prática esportiva em crianças e adolescentes, peripubertales sobre a densidade mineral de hueso e composição do cuerpo: estudio preleminar

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    Resumen: Introducción: Hay varios estudios publicados en los últimos veinte años que intentan establecer la relación entre las reacciones esqueléticas a diferentes cargas, en particular en los deportes de los jóvenes. Objetivos: The aim of this research is to study the impact of regular physical activity (basketball, soccer and swimming) on peri-puberal subjects by bone mineral density (BMD) and body composition. Métodos: Este es un estudio seccional, descriptivo y correlacional que incluye nadadores (n = 17 hembras y 10 varones), futbolistas (n = 13 hembras y 19 varones), jugadores de baloncesto (n = 14 hembras y 15 varones) y un grupo de control (n = 20 mujeres y 12 hombres) en un total de 120 sujetos. Se aplicó un cuestionario sobre actividad física e ingesta de alimentos y estatura, masa corporal y circunferencia abdominal. La DMO se evaluó mediante ultrasonido cuantitativo del calcáneo. La prueba de Kruskal-Wallis se utilizó para estudiar el efecto de los deportes en las variables de estudio. Resultados y discusión: La DMO para el grupo de control es más baja que para todos los demás grupos para ambos sexos (nadadores (f: 0.521; m: 0.533), fútbol (f: 0.634; m: 0.639), baloncesto (f: 0.688; m: 0.657), Grupo de control (f: 0.462; m: 0.472). Los jugadores de baloncesto tienen los valores más altos de BMD para ambos sexos, seguidos por los jugadores de fútbol y los nadadores. La prueba de Kruskal-Wallis muestra que hay efectos de los deportes por encima de la BMD [X2 (3)=82.796; p<0.001]. Conclusiones: La actividad física regular en sujetos peripúberes promueve un aumento en la DMO, los deportes de confrontación son los que tienen valores más altos en el esqueleto para ambos sexos.Abstract: Introduction: There are several studies published in the last twenty years that try to stablish the relationship between skeleton reactions to different loads particular in sports youth. Aim: The aim of this research is to study the impact of regular physical activity (basketball, soccer and swimming) on peri-puberal subjects by bone mineral density (BMD) and body composition. Methods: This is sectional, descriptive and correlational study involving swimmers (n=17 females and 10 males), soccer players (n=13 females and 19 males), basketball players (n=14 females and 15 males) and a control group (n=20 females and 12 males) in a total of 120 subjects. A questionnaire on physical activity and food intake was applied and stature, body mass and abdominal girth. BMD was assessed using quantitative ultrasound of the calcaneus. Kruskal-Wallis test was used to study the effect of sports in the study variables. Results & discussion: BMD for the control group is lower than for all other groups for both genders, (Swimmers (f: 0.521; m: 0.533), Soccer (f: 0.634; m: 0.639), Basketball (f: 0.688; m: 0.657), Control Group (f: 0.462; m: 0.472). Basketball players have the higher values for BMD for both genders followed by soccer players and swimmers. The Kruskal-Wallis test show there is effect of sports above the BMD [X2 (3)=82.796; p<0.001]. Conclusions: Regular physical activity on peripubertal subjects promotes increase on BMD, the confrontation sports are the ones that have higher values on the skeleton is for both sexes.Resumo: Introdução: Existem vários estudos publicados nos últimos vinte anos que tentam estabelecer a relação entre as reações do esqueleto para diferentes cargas específicas em jovens desportistas Objectivos: O objetivo desta pesquisa é estudar o impacto da atividade física regular (basquetebol, futebol e natação) em sujeitos peri-puberais através da densidade mineral óssea (DMO) e composição corporal.Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo seccional, descritivo e correlacional envolvendo nadadores (n = 17 mulheres e 10 homens), jogadores de futebol (n = 13 mulheres e 19 homens), jogadores de basquetebol (n = 14 e 15 homens) e grupo controle (n = 20 fêmeas e 12 machos) num total de 120 indivíduos. Foi aplicado um questionário sobre a atividade física e ingestão alimentar e estatura, massa corporal e circunferência abdominal. A DMO foi avaliada usando ultrassonografia quantitativa do calcâneo. O teste de Kruskal-Wallis foi utilizado para estudar o efeito do esporte nas variáveis do estudo. Resultados e discussão: A DMO para o grupo controle é menor do que para todos os outros grupos para ambos os sexos, (Nadadores (f: 0,521; m: 0,533), Futebol (f: 0,634; m: 0,639), Basquetebol (f: 0,688; m: 0,657) Grupo Controle (f: 0,462; m: 0,472) Os jogadores de basquete têm os maiores valores de DMO para ambos os sexos, seguidos por jogadores de futebol e nadadores, e o teste de Kruskal-Wallis mostra que há esportes acima da DMO [X2 (3)=82.796; p<0.001]. Conclusões: A atividade física regular em sujeitos peripubertais promove aumento na DMO, os esportes de confronto são os que apresentam maiores valores no esqueleto para ambos os sexos

    Transformation of UML models for service-oriented software architectures

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    Comunicação apresentada ao IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS 2005), 12, Washington, 2005.The main aim of this paper is to present how to transform user requirements models into a software architecture for mobile applications. The technique (called "4SRS") is essentially based on the mapping of UML use case diagrams into UML object diagrams. UML sequence, activity, and state diagrams and other artifacts can also be considered within the transformation decisions. The applicability of this technique is illustrated by presenting some results from an e-government mobile application. The development of mobile applications typically follow a service-oriented approach. A service is a software entity running on one or more machines and providing a particular type of function to a priori unknown clients. These services must communicate with each other, whose combination makes up a service-oriented architecture. The communication can involve either simple data passing or it could involve two or more services coordinating some activity. Some means of connecting services to each other is needed, so workflow is a critical part of making services effective. When those services react to changes on user context, application are context-aware. For mobile applications, the definition of the underlying service-oriented software architecture must consider the services themselves as user requirements, as well as the mobile operators entry-points and the final clients interfaces, and use them to characterize the platform.USE-ME.GOV - IST-2002-002294 ; Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - METHODES (POSI/CHS/37334/2001), STACOS (POSI/CHS/48875/2002)

    A demonstration case on the transformation of software architectures for service specification

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    This paper presents a demonstration case on the successive application of a model-based technique to assist on the refinement of software logical architectures. The technique is essentially based on the transformation of use cases into object diagrams. The applicability of the technique is illustrated by presenting some results from a mobile application. For mobile software, the definition of the underlying service-oriented architecture must consider as user requirements the services themselves, the mobile operators entry points and the final clients interfaces, and use them to characterize the platform. Within the presented demonstration case, the specification of one service of the mobile application was obtained by successively applying the technique.Research funded by FCT and FEDER under project STACOS (POSI/CHS/48875/2002)

    Caracterização de Doentes com Espondilite Anquilosante em Hidrocinesiterapia – Uma Avaliação Multidimensional

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    OBJECTIVES: Clinical, functional and working characterization of an Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) group of patients that perform hydrotherapy regularly in a physical and rehabilitation department. Assessment of the benefit of hydrotherapy in symptom relief, function and consumption of analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). MATERIAL AND METHODS: A transversal characterization of a group of patients with SA undergoing hydrotherapy was performed. Demographic, clinical (including disease activity, function and health-related quality of life), radiographic and laboratorial data was collected. A questionnaire about working situation, presence of dyspnoea, smoking, number of sessions and benefit of hydrotherapy was applied. RESULTS: 22 patients (73% males) were enrolled in the study, mean age 55.6 ± 8.8 years, mean duration of the disease 28.0 ± 13.13 years. Apart from the axial involvement, 50% had a previous history of enthesitis, 54.5% peripheral arthritis, 18% dactylitis and 36% uveitis. At the day of assessment, 81% had low-back pain complaints (39% inflammatory rhythm), 18% oligoarthritis, 9.1% had total hip and/or knee prosthesis. The majority of the patients had active disease, accentuated functional deterioration and reduced health related quality of life. About 54.5% were retired due to disability, 18.2% were smokers and 36.4% had dyspnoea; 31.8% presented restrictive ventilatory alterations; 36.4% obstructive (predominance in the small airways); 13.6% mixed and in 18.2% the spiromety was normal. The mean total time of hydrotherapy was 13 ± 6.8 years. The patients attended a mean of 3 sessions per week and 3 series of 15 sessions per year. Of the 22.7% that performed another physical activity, 80% walked and 20% cycled. The ingestions of analgesics (p < 0.05) and NSAIDs (p < 0.01) were also reduced. CONCLUSION: A high percentage of spyrometric changes were identified. The majority of the patients are retired due to disability. The patients feel benefit with hydrotherapy, that contributed to reduction of the analgesic and NSAIDs consumption. The importance of the global systemic evaluation and multidisciplinary of the SA to optimize the therapeuthics and improve the quality of life of the patients is pointed out

    Avaliação da composição química das espigas de três híbridos de milho (Zea mays L.) em quatro estádios de maturação.

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    O objetivo deste experimento foi avaliar a composição química das espigas dos três híbridos de milho BRS 1035, BRS 1031 e BRS 1001 em quatro idades de corte, a partir da determinação dos parâmetros: matéria seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB), fibra detergente neutro (FDN) e fibra detergente ácido (FDA). O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado com fatorial3 (híbridos) x 4 (idades de corte), sendo as médias comparadas pelo teste SNK (P<0,05). Todos os híbridos demonstraram um aumento do teor de MS de 87 para 171 dias, com diferença (P<0,05) entre todos os cortes. Não houve diferença (P<0,05) nos valores de PB entre os cortes em todos os híbridos. Aos 94 dias o híbrido BRS 1001 (5,67%) demonstrou um valor de PB superior (P<0,05) ao BRS 1031 (4,66%) e ambos foram semelhantes (P<0,05) ao BRS 1035 (5,11%). Todos os híbridos apresentaram uma queda dos valores de FDN com o avanço da maturidade até 101 dias. A variação dos valores de FDA da espiga foi muito semelhante à variação do FDN já que a correlação dessas características foi 0,97 (P<0,001). Não houve diferença (P<0,05) nos valores de FDA entre os híbridos dentro dos cortes. Os híbridos avaliados neste experimento apresentaram as mesmas tendências de aumento da MS da' espiga com o avançar da maturidade fisiológica com provável acúmulo de amido na espiga, reduzindo os teores de carboidratos estruturais como FDN e FDA nessa fração da planta